

Audiobranding is a concept that we don't normally hear about or use. But is another fact that makes people identify brands. The melody of each channel news or the chime when the program you are watching is over 18. Those are melodies or sounds, are something that defines the product and makes you know it with just hearing it. 

If a company wants to do it, they need to find a distinctive sound. When a company chooses it, they have to include it in every advert, presentation or in their web page. Just by people hearing it over and over again you will make them recognize it when and where ever.

But audiobranding is not the only way of making a brand recognizable without a name. Smells are lately becoming more and more important in stores. The most famous brand that does this is Abercrombie and Fitch. People are able to recognize this smell everywhere, and when they enter this shop they expect the store to smell like this. 
 In other words, everything surrounding the brand is important.

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