
Commercials evolve

In recent posts I have talked about the importance of advertisements, but time changes and marketing with them.
We all know about the famous doll in the world, Barbie.

 The first commercial ever was aired in 1954.

The advert shows a happy little girl with her doll. And it is very clear the brand image they are trying to deliver: a barbie will make you happier and more girl-like.
but in one of the latest commercial of Barbie we see the difference:

In this advert, the girl is not the significant thing, they don't really appear. They just show how fashion the Barbie is, and if you have one you can be the same. And that is the message in the commercial.

So as times change, commercial too, because as i have already said marketer need to know what the consumers want in order to deliver it precisely. 

Happy birthday

Brands tend to make something special when an anniversary arrives. That way they are celebrating with the consumer that they are still on the market. But celebration can be done in many ways.

For example the worldwide-known pen seller, Bic, has created an interesting campaign to celebrate that they have sold 100.000 millions of Bic crystal pens. 
They want to create a new font, but in this case they are not going to make. The have created a site where everyone can go in and by a connection with a mobile phone you make your own font. After that, all fonts will be reunited to create a new font. 


Audiobranding is a concept that we don't normally hear about or use. But is another fact that makes people identify brands. The melody of each channel news or the chime when the program you are watching is over 18. Those are melodies or sounds, are something that defines the product and makes you know it with just hearing it. 

If a company wants to do it, they need to find a distinctive sound. When a company chooses it, they have to include it in every advert, presentation or in their web page. Just by people hearing it over and over again you will make them recognize it when and where ever.

But audiobranding is not the only way of making a brand recognizable without a name. Smells are lately becoming more and more important in stores. The most famous brand that does this is Abercrombie and Fitch. People are able to recognize this smell everywhere, and when they enter this shop they expect the store to smell like this. 
 In other words, everything surrounding the brand is important.

21st century

In other posts i have talked about the how important the social media is and how has it made marketing grow into marketing 2.0. Well social media are not just Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Social media is referred to any place where you can share. A clear example is Youtube which is not normally seen as  a social media but in fact is one of the most effectives.
What youtube says is "broadcast yourself", which means you need no explanations, and the moment you post something the whole world is going to be able to see it, as simple as that.
This is the reason why youtube is a clear example of viral marketing. Viral marketing is a type of strategy that implies spreading as much and as fast the message as possible using the words of mouth.
But in order to do this you need your advert to be good enough to grab the attention of your potential consumers. So they would tell their friends, and that way it will spread worldwide. 
It is very curious how videos as simple as this one have reached every corner in the world.

It is just a little kid and his brother “playing“, but someone thought it was funny enough to talk about ir or post it on their Facebook wall making more and more people be aware of it. This kind of effect is what companies need to achieve if they want to succeed in YouTube. 

The importance of price

It may appear as if the price is not a part of the marketing process, but it is definitely a key part of it, because many times what makes us choose one product over the other is te price.
This article shows that the price is much more important than it seems. It has the most immediate repercussion on sales and revenues. but everything comes together. A good brand strategy, may make customers to pay an extra for the product if it is worth it. So price has to be consistent with the product.

A good example of brands that charge an extra for quality and service is Starbucks. The coffee brand presents their products as an affordable luxury. This way, their target market is a high-income group of consumers. The demand in Starbucks and in this type of business is inelastic, because if the price raises the demand will diminish practically nothing.
Starbucks is a sign of good quality or at least that is an identifier for the brand. and their high prices is what you have to pay if you want to consume that quality, other ways you should choose cheaper brands like Dunkin Donuts.

To know more about pricing strategies click here and read number 4

Promotion strategies

The purpose of marketing is to make sales grow. Marketers use different techniques trying to innovate, and amaze people.
Kit-Kat and his new marketing strategy in Japan is really interesting. The company has made an agreement with the enterprise that is in charge of providing the local train service. With every package of Kit-Kat you can travel by train.

It is the first time a candy provides this kind of offer. The product is cheaper than a regular ticket so it is worth it. It also has solidary purposes, as part of the revenue is going to be destined to the north of Japan that was damaged during an earthquake in 2011. IT is just another reason to buy the product, and as the same time Kit-Kat is creating an image in the people by helping the ones in need.



In the previous post I talked about the importance of adverts. So here are other examples of the techniques marketers use to attract customers.
A great example is using celebrities on them just like pepsi has been doing for the last years.

But TV is not the only way of advertising. A campaign that had a lot of success was the tipp-ex campaign, which by making it in the internet it was interactive and very attractive. (

So the key for a marketer is to create a reaction in the customers and potential customers.